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The AquatrainingPro.System® is training, fitness, physical preparation, re-athletic training, and recovery in an aquatic environment.

It was in the 1970s that we had to look for the roots of aquarunning: Glen MacWaters, athletics trainer for the Marines returned from Vietnam with a leg injury. Not progressing fast enough during the rehabilitation sessions in the pool, he decides to use floats to keep his head above the water, the rest of the body simulating running. he eventually designed a suitable floating vest, and so aquarunning was born.

It was then in the mid-1980s that the activity developed. Its effectiveness is quickly demonstrated in rehabilitation on injured athletes, then in the field of training and active recovery, highlighting the value of exercise without impact.


Running  is one of the most popular activities in cardiovascular exercise. The vast majority of physical and sports activities require the use of the lower limbs, and in particular those which use running for movement (sports such as football, rugby, handball, basketball and individual sports. Athletics, tennis). All of these activities most often contribute to lower limb injuries. The unique environment of the aquatic environment provides effective responses, reducing the risk of injuries and facilitating their recovery. 

The benefits of water can be used by the athlete in the following context:  prevention, rehabilitation,  re-athleticism,  training and active recovery. 
Prevention : during a large training volume, the athlete can perform part of it in assisted buoyancy. In water the "skeleton-muscle" system does not support any load. It can thus recover from impacts suffered during dry training, greatly reducing the risk of injury. Exercise in deep water plays a major role in the prevention of fatigue fractures, also limiting overtraining ...

Rehabilitation : after the diagnosis of the seriousness of the injury, the intention will always be to leave the athlete as inactive as possible. At the end of the healing period and only with the agreement of the medical staff, the athlete can resume physical activity without impact. Recovery in an aquatic environment makes it possible to anticipate remobilization. Aquarunning will replace traditional ergocycles, offering the athlete the opportunity to stay close to his activity,  especially if it is based on running (example: sports co. football, rugby, handball, basketball ... / individual sports: athletics, tennis ...). 

Re-athletic training : this phase can begin in the water with an RMA (Aquatic Muscle Reinforcement) program, then move towards a combination of dry and aquatic exercises, thus promoting an earlier return to the field.

Training : studies have shown that the effects of training in water on runners on an 8-week aquarunning regimen maintain and improve their level of aerobic endurance. Coupled with field training in certain sports disciplines (athletics, basketball, etc.), exercise in water increases the volume of work and breaks the weariness of sessions, while limiting the risk of overtraining .

Active recovery : aquarunning can be used in the scouring phase. Following matches or training it promotes the recovery process.

Extract from the book "Aquajogging, Aquamoving, Aquarunning" (rehabilitation, physical preparation, fitness in an aquatic environment) by Jean-Michel Lamarque - Editions DésIris
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The AquatrainingPro.System® is an assisted buoyancy method of fitness and physical preparation. Impact-free and practiced in an aquatic environment, it is aimed at all audiences including high-level athletes.


Practical training courses for professionals in the sporting environment (sports educators, physical trainers, etc.) will be set up in the course of 2022. These courses will be organized on request, and directed by Jean-Michel Lamarque .



The advantages of this type of training are primarily related to water and its properties. The physical trainer must have knowledge of the aquatic environment, and its effects on the practitioner. The exercise in assisted buoyancy will be more effective than a classic exercise practiced in shallow depth (small pool). In total weightlessness and deprived of his foot support, the athlete must adapt to the aqueous environment by appealing to his qualities of balance and coordination. He will fully use his cardio-respiratory system while doing muscle building work against the resistance of the water.

The benefits of water and deep exercise:

- No impact : the body weighs only 10% of its weight on earth when you are submerged up to your neck. In water the "skeleton-muscles" system does not support any load and can recover from all the impacts suffered during dry training.

- Resistance : the resistance of water is 12 times that of air. Water creates resistance to movement in all directions.

- Training : More than ten years of research have shown that the effects of running training in water can be equivalent, or even superior, to those produced on land for the same level of intensity.

- Massage : the water causes a massage of the muscles with each movement of the arms and legs, removing stress and tension.

- Vertical position : the vertical position increases resistance by 75% compared to the horizontal position (swimmer's position).

- Calorie expenditure : it is 20 to 40% higher than that of exercise on the ground, depending on the temperature of the water, the intensity and the type of exercise performed.

- Training program : all exercise programs performed on land can be activated in the water.

Extract from the book "Aquajogging, Aquamoving, Aquarunning" (rehabilitation, physical preparation, fitness in an aquatic environment) by Jean-Michel Lamarque - Editions DésIris


Before embarking on a large pool aquatraining session, it is important to know your ability to float. This will determine the type of equipment to choose to optimize your training with the greatest comfort. Correct buoyancy should allow you to easily keep your head above the water (shoulders not protruding more than 3cm above the surface of the water), without compromising your running technique. It is essential to equip yourself with a belt that is practical to use and whose technical qualities will be: good buoyancy, comfortable ergonomics, solid material.

Test your natural ability to float
Now it's time to test your ability to float, in preparation for an aquatraining session.
NB The different models of buoyancy belt used following the tests are AquaJogger® products.


  • Stand upright with your head above the water, arms at your sides in a basin where you have no footing.

  • Try to maintain your position using small movements of the legs and arms (the latter remaining submerged).

  • The ease with which you will maintain your position will be decisive in the choice of flotation equipment.

Extract from the book "Aquajogging, Aquamoving, Aquarunning" (rehabilitation, physical preparation, fitness in an aquatic environment) by Jean-Michel Lamarque - Editions DésIris



According to David K. Brennan, the guarantee of an effective session in aquarunning goes through 3 essential points.

- Muscle relaxation

Muscle relaxation is very important before setting up the movement. A relaxed muscle will contract faster and much more efficiently than a tight muscle. In the water or on the ground, your goal should be to control smooth movements. Take advantage of the aquatic environment to relax your muscles before and during your effort. The feeling of weightlessness allows you to move more freely and faster. With your lower limbs not supporting any weight, it is easier to fully relax your strides. This tension-free movement should help you develop a smoother and more flexible stride on the ground. 

- The degree of amplitude of the movement

Movement with the correct degree of amplitude, in a linear direction, is also critical to achieve, when running on the ground or in water.
Your lower limb amplitude level may be greater in the water because you have no impact with the ground.

- The rhythm

Once you've mastered muscle relaxation and range of motion, focus on the rhythm that is the result of coordination between the upper and lower extremities of your body. Start slowly with the feeling of this rhythm which, once mastered, will allow you to accelerate. 
The pace must be more important than that on the ground. The feeling of weightlessness allows for slower movement with a full degree of amplitude and also allows you to focus on one leg at a time. The speed of movement is directly related to the effort in the water. The faster you run, the harder you work.

Extract from the book "Aquajogging, Aquamoving, Aquarunning" (rehabilitation, physical preparation, fitness in an aquatic environment) by Jean-Michel Lamarque - Editions DésIris


Aquarunning "physical preparation
in an aquatic environment


Get back in shape
by aquajogging

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Jean-Michel Lamarque intervened for the IFM2S in Liévin (62)
within the framework of the training "Management of the Injured Athlete"
re-education, re-athletic training, re-training.
Jean-Michel Lamarque uses

sites to visit

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It was in the 90s that Jean-Michel Lamarque, sports educator in swimming activities, discovered aquarunning. He thus becomes the forerunner in France of this method from the United States. Author of publications on the subject, he created a concept of physical preparation in the water that adapts to all audiences, including high level athletes. Thanks to this technique in assisted buoyancy and without impact, he is involved in the rehabilitation of injured athletes. In 1996 he met David K. Brennan then president of the Running Houston Center and specialist in the rehabilitation and water training of American athletes. After several months of collaboration David K. Brennan honors Jean-Michel Lamarque for his work on aquarunning and encourages him to promote this discipline. Jean-Michel Lamarque remains today in France, the reference in the field of training without impact in aquatic environment.


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